
How to fly in flight simulator mac laptop
How to fly in flight simulator mac laptop

how to fly in flight simulator mac laptop

If you want to cover more ground, you’ll need a faster plane. As you’ve learned in your lessons, that speed range is fairly good for cruising around a small area. In Flight Training, you’ll exclusively use the Cessna 152, which has a cruise speed of 107 KTAS (knots true airspeed). These eight and short exercises will familiarize you with basic controls, navigation, and landing.Ĭompleting Flight Training takes roughly 30-40 minutes, and by the time you’re done, you should feel confident enough to fly around the world on your own.

how to fly in flight simulator mac laptop

At the same time, it explains a handful of controls that might not be intuitive, especially if you’re planning on playing this game with a controller. Flight Training covers nearly every concept worth knowing, and it’s designed to get you up in the sky as fast as possible. While it’s hardly exciting to recommend that everyone dive into training mode first thing, it’s essential. Complete all eight exercises and you’re set Image: Asobo Studio/Microsoft Corporation via Polygon Everything you need to know to take off into the sky, stay up there, and land safely is explained in detail in the Flight Training section. Unlike an arcade flying game, there’s a lot you need to know before you can even take off properly. Microsoft Flight Simulator is, unsurprisingly, a realistic flight simulator. Before you explore the air around everything there is to see, check out these essential tips on flying, navigating, and controlling the camera. Polygon’s Microsoft Flight Simulator beginner’s guide will give you the foundations you need to soar. It’s worth mastering a few basics early on. If you’re a newcomer to the flight simulator genre eager to take off and see the sights, that may not be so easy at first. Microsoft Flight Simulator delivers on a big promise, letting you explore nearly every inch of Earth from the skies.

How to fly in flight simulator mac laptop